Dooley demonstrates how to create gunpowder maps at the North American Cartographic Information Society (NACIS) workshop in Gunpowder Mapping, October 2015.

Matt has over twenty years of experience teaching at the university level. His approach to teaching is driven by a philosophy that values active learning and feedback over more traditional teaching models. In class, students spend a lot of time working on outcome-based, process-oriented projects in an environment that encourages instructor-student interaction.


Macalester College Gunpowder Mapping Event (February 2020)

North American Cartographic Information Society (NACIS) Workshop in Gunpowder Mapping (October 2015)

University Courses taught:

GEOG 265: Mapping and Spatial Justice (2016-Present)

GIS 250: Intro. to GISci (2006-Present)

GIS 351: Map Design (2006-Present)

GIS 366: Field Methods and GPS (2008-Present)

GIS 455: Advanced Map Design (2007-Present)

GEOG. 365: Quantitative Techniques for Geographers (2006-2013)

GEOG 401: Senior Seminar (2008-Present)

GIS 360: Methods and Theory in GIS (2006-2010)

GEOG 217: Map and Airphoto Interpretation (2002-2006)

GEOG. 317: Cartography I Lab (2001-2002)

GEOG 155: Physical Geography Lab (2000-2002)